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Help with a Texas Drug Possession Charge


Drug possession is a charge given when law enforcement discovers an individual is willingly and knowingly in possession of illegal drugs, including marijuana, heroin, cocaine, or other substances. It is a crime and is a charge associated with over 80% of drug arrests in the United States.

Depending on the circumstances, it is possible federal and state laws have been violated when a person is found to have illegal drugs. Discuss your situation with a Houston drug crimes lawyer to determine what options are available. An experienced attorney knows how to fight for your rights.

What If the Drugs Were Not Mine?

There are a couple of facts that need to be established in order for a drug possession to be proven by prosecutors.

  • It must be clear the defendant knew about the substance
  • The defendant had to have known the drug was illegal

This means the person had to have known the substance was illegal and that they had control of it. Following these rules, a person may not be guilty if they were carrying a backpack but were not aware another individual put a controlled substance within the bag. Of course, this can be incredibly difficult to prove.

Sometimes drug possession charges are in connection with chemicals rather than drugs. This is true of chemicals individuals use to make methamphetamines, which are highly addictive. It is also sometimes called blue, crystal, ice, or meth. Drug paraphernalia can also result in charges in some instances.

What Is Intent to Distribute?

There are a couple of different possession charges, not all arrests are the same. In general, an arrest will fall into one of the following:

  • A simple possession charge
  • Charge of an intent to distribute the illegal substance.

Because they differ in severity, the punishment is different depending on the charge. There can be severe punishments for intent to distribute, a charge that means the amount of the drug being held leads the law to believe the substance will be shared or sold to others. This suspicion could be further proven if the individual also has scales that are typically used to weigh drugs and other items suggesting distribution in their possession at the time of the arrest.

A Houston drug lawyer should be called when facing a drug possession charge. An intent to distribute charge could lead to great upset in an individual’s life, including incarceration or extremely high fines.

In some instances, rehabilitation is helpful. The law knows that it is common for individuals who are incarcerated to find themselves in similar situations after their release. Rehabilitation is a way to help the individual and society as a whole when there are substance abuse problems.

Are you seeking information about how to handle a drug possession charge in Texas? Our experienced legal team can defend you against criminal charges. We have the knowledge to protect you whether the alleged crime was minor or serious. Reach out to the legal team at Ayson Law Firm to understand your rights. Contact us today for a free consultation with a Houston criminal defense attorney today.

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