What Happens in an Alcohol Education Class?

If you or someone you love has been charged with a DUI or DWI offense, you may be wondering what path is available in order to avoid losing your license and experiencing further penalties. One option may be attending alcohol education classes.
DWI classes can be very helpful, particularly when it is an individual’s first DWI charge. Discuss your situation with an experienced Houston DWI lawyer to determine if an alcohol education class would help you pave a path to regaining the life you enjoyed prior to an arrest.
A Variety of Factors Are Covered in Classes
Part of the reason it can be beneficial for convicted offenders to take alcohol education classes and be involved with treatment programs is they are examples of drivers taking responsibility for driving under the influence.
What will be discussed in class?
- Impact of alcohol and drugs on driving
- How performance and safety is affected when someone is under the influence
- Ways to prevent future charges and committing to ending alcohol abuse
Of course, completion of classes will require other factors as well. For example, follow up interviews may be required.
Class requirements depend on a variety of factors. Case details, such as if the offense was a first offense, could be taken into consideration. Along with mandatory classes, an individual could face court costs, DWI fines, increased auto insurance costs, property damage expenses, loss of work income, and more.
Timing Is Important, Don’t Delay
It is extremely upsetting to be charged and found guilty, you need support immediately following an arrest. Talk to a Houston DWI lawyer about your options. It is likely you are facing large fines, license suspension, DWI classes, or a combination of implications.
Driving under the influence is serious, risks go far beyond penalties. Accidents, injuries, and fatalities are possible. That said, if you were charged with a DWI offense in connection to alcohol or drugs, there are paths to establishing a defense. For example, some did not know they were intoxicated. In other circumstances, law enforcement made a mistake at the site of the arrest that makes your charge inadmissible. With the right defense, charges can be eliminated in some cases.
To strengthen your case, work with a skilled DWI defense lawyer. Timing is important so reaching out as soon as possible is advised. With more time, your attorney can help to reduce the consequences of your charge. This means it may be possible to avoid jail time, get charges reduced, and have a driver’s license reinstated. Trials are a solution for some, for others there are ways to negotiate a deal that is favorable.
Has someone involved with your case advised you to take part in alcohol education classes? Our experienced legal team can defend you against criminal charges. We have the knowledge to protect you whether the alleged crime was minor or serious. Reach out to the legal team at Ayson Law Firm to understand your rights. Contact us today for a free consultation with a Houston criminal defense attorney today.