Your Commercial Driver’s License And A DWI

People who drive for a living, including individuals who work as bus drivers or operate semis, are often required to have a Commercial Driver’s Licence (CDL). And with a CDL comes responsibilities to drive safely and avoid all possibilities of accidents and injuries, if possible. Driving under the influence is a clear violation of how a commercial driver should behave. Because of this, the legal limits for a DWI are lower for individuals driving with a CDL than they are for individuals operating passenger cars with a standard driver’s license.
CDLs are accessed through the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. According to the rules of that administration, the legal limit for blood alcohol concentration with a CDL is .04%. To put this in context, the legal blood alcohol concentration for civilian drivers is set at .08%. In addition to the low limit, harsh penalties that impact your ability to earn a living and enjoy your freedom are possible. If you were charged with a Texas DWI while driving with a CDL, contact a Houston DWI lawyer without delay.
Will I Lose My CDL?
Similar to what happens after a standard Texas DWI charge, your CDL will be taken away after a DWI arrest and you will be issued a temporary license. Next, you will have to schedule an administrative license (ALR) hearing if you want to dispute the charge. This hearing can be requested by your lawyer and they can advocate for you, providing legal counsel through the process. Ideally, the hearing will be an opportunity to avoid suspension of your CDL.
If the hearing does not go as you had hoped and a DWI convocation follows, a one year CDL suspension will result. First-time offenders will have an opportunity to apply for access to a CDL after the 12 months have lapsed. And even when the CDL is obtained again, it may be more difficult to find work with a DWI conviction popping up when a potential employer examines your driving record. And DWI convictions with a CDL remain on your record unless you pursue an expungement or deferral.
What Can I Do to Protect Myself?
Avoiding charges is the most successful outcome you can hope for if you are facing a Texas DWI with a CDL. To explore this option, hire an experienced Houston DWI lawyer. You need an aggressive attorney who knows how to achieve the results you need. Ideally, you will be able to keep your CDL and get back to work.
Could a DWI charge result in you losing your CDL? The answer is yes. After an arrest, you need a skilled lawyer with extensive experience in the Texas law fighting to protect your freedom and livelihood. It is essential you take these charges seriously, talk to the legal team at Ayson Law Firm as soon as possible. Because our attorneys have worked on cases involving CDLs before, we are able to look over the facts of your case and determine the best path forward. Contact us today for a free consultation.