DWI Breath sample provided. Results of the breath test = .136 BAC.
DWI - A blood sample was obtained. Results of the blood test = .104.
Failure to Stop and Give Information
DWI -Breath sample provided. Results of the breath test = .118.
DWI - Major accident. A blood sample was obtained. Results of the blood test = .157.
DWI - Breath sample provided. Results of the breath test = .199 BAC.
Assault Family Member
Assault Bodily Injury
Major accident. Blood sample provided. Results of the blood test = .148.
Breath sample provided. Results of the breath test = .154 BAC.
Assault Family Member
DWI - Breath sample provided. Results of the breath test = .152 BAC.
DWI - Major accident. Results of the breath test = .126.
Felony Evading Detention with a Vehicle
DWI A blood sample was obtained. Results of the blood test = .119.
DWI A blood sample was obtained. Results of the blood test = .209.
Discharge of Firearm in Metro Area
DWI A blood sample was obtained. Results of the blood test = .157.
DWI with an accident. A blood sample was obtained. Results of the blood test = .167.
Failure to Stop and Give Information
DWI with an accident. A breath sample was obtained. Results of the breath test = .137.
DWI. A blood sample was obtained. Results of blood test =.116.
DWI. A blood sample was obtained. Results of blood test =.160.
DWI. A breath sample was provided. Results of the breath test = .117.
Unlawful Carry of a Weapon.
DWI. A breath sample was provided. Results of the breath test = .143
DWI. A blood sample was obtained. Results of blood test =.223.
DWI. A breath sample was obtained. Results of breath test =.151.
DWI. Blood or breath test not provided.
DWI. Blood sample provided. Results of blood test =.166.
DWI. Blood sample provided. Results of blood test =.123.
DWI with a major accident. Breath sample provided. Results of breath test = .93.
DWI 2nd Offense. Blood sample provided. Results of blood test =.185.
DWI. A breath sample was obtained. Results of breath test =.08.
A breath sample was obtained. Results of breath test =.163.
Felony evading arrest with a motor vehicle.
Possession of a Dangerous Drug.
DWI. A breath sample was obtained. Results of breath test =.142.
Possession of Marijuana.
Criminal Mischief.
Possession of Marijuana.
Assault Family Member.
Felony Assault of Family Member with Previous Conviction.
Indecent Exposure.
Possession of Controlled Substance.
Fleeing/Attempting to Elude Police Officer.
DWI. Breath sample provided. Results of breath test .087.
Possession of a Controlled Substance.
Possession of a Controlled Substance.
Possession of Marijuana.
Assault Family Violence.
DWI. Suspicion of Drug DWI. Urine Sample Provided.
Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance.
Carrying Handgun in Motor Vehicle.
DWI Breath sample provided. Results of breath test .170.
Felony Assault Bodily Injury Family Member
Aggravated Assault Family Member
Injury to a child
Assault Family Violence
DWI - breath sample result = .123
DWI breath test results = .123
DWI with a major accident, breath test results = .105
DWI - breath sample result = .126
DWI suspicion of Drug DWI.
Possession of Marijuana
Felony DWI
Felony Assault
DWI -suspicion of drug DWI
Assault Family Violence
Felony Assault
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