Can I Get My License Back After a Texas DWI?

If you were charged with driving while intoxicated in Texas, a law enforcement officer likely seized your driver’s license. Then, they probably issued you a notice of suspension and temporary driving permit. In these situations, it is common for an individual to be unsure where to turn. An experienced Houston DWI lawyer can help.
After an arrest, you have 15 days to request an administrative license revocation (ALR) hearing. When a hearing is not requested, a driver’s license could be suspended for 40 days from the date of your arrest. Of course, there are a lot of factors to consider after a DWI arrest, connecting with a legal professional is a path to truly understanding your options moving forward.
Zero-Tolerance Rule for Underage Drivers
In Texas, there is a zero-tolerance rule for drivers who are underage. This means that if a driver is not old enough to legally drink and is found to have any detectable amount of alcohol, they can be charged. In these situations, the length of a driver’s license suspension will be connected to the driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC).
If an underage driver’s BAC is between 0.01 and 0.079, their license is suspended for a period between 60 days and six months. If their BAC is between 0.08 and 0.149, the length of time will depend on if the offense is a first offense or not.
- Up to 12 months for a first offense
- Up to18 months for a second offense
- Up to 2 years for any following offenses
There are times when a person needs to drive for work. In certain circumstances, a provisional license is possible. To secure a provisional license, a person needs to petition the court and if the court views the request positively they will grant a provisional license. Not all requests are granted, but they are possible for some.
Ways a Lawyer Can Help
Many rely on driving to maintain their daily life. After all, it is common to need to use a car to go to work, attend school, go to doctors appointments, and pick up groceries. For this reason, many choose to challenge a Texas driver’s license suspension.
If you want to try to regain your driving privileges, a lawyer can help. An experienced attorney can secure a hearing for you, represent you at the hearing itself, or petition for a provisional license. There are options available.
Coping with a Texas DWI arrest can be overwhelming. Criminal charges are complex and it can be difficult to juggle criminal court with your need to use a vehicle. An attorney can advise you on your legal rights.
Do you have questions about your suspended license following a DWI arrest? Our experienced legal team can defend you against criminal charges. We have the knowledge to protect you whether the alleged crime was minor or serious. Reach out to the legal team at Ayson Law Firm to understand your rights. Contact us today for a free consultation with a Houston criminal defense attorney today.