5 Things That Could Lead To Getting Pulled Over

Sometimes, a person is charged because a law officer believes the driver is under the influence, though the initial reason they were pulled over had nothing to do with drugs or alcohol. Avoiding being pulled over at all means there is no possibility of an officer believing they smell marijuana smoke or think they may see alcohol in the car. While charges that are not valid can be dismissed, not being charged at all is far less stressful.
There are things you can keep in mind that could result in avoiding being pulled over. But if you are pulled over and charged with a DWI or other offense, connect as soon as possible with a Houston DWI lawyer. An experienced legal professional may be able to reduce your penalties or clear your name.
Registration Stickers, Speeding, and Lane Changes
Of course, there is no way to completely avoid being pulled over by a law enforcement officer when you are traveling around Texas, but there are red flags that could lead to seeing flashing lights in your rearview mirror.
You could be pulled over for any of the following.
- Registration stickers that are not valid, such as a registration that is expired.
- Lane violations, such as failing to use turn signals when changing lanes, not turning into the nearest lane and instead making wide moves, or swerving out of your lane, possibly because your car is not aligned properly.
- Driving too fast, speeding habits need to be broken to stay safe on Texas roads.
- Plates need to be visible, temporary plates as well. If you have bought a new car and the paper, temporary plate is faded or difficult to read, ask the dealer you purchased the car from for another one.
- Failing to make a complete stop at stop signs and other designated points, do not roll through stops.
The reality is you could be pulled over for one thing and then end up facing an arrest for a completely different issue. If this has happened to you or someone you love, talk to a Houston DWI lawyer. A skilled attorney who has experience in similar cases knows what it takes to fight your charge.
If you are wondering what is possible for you, the truth is it will depend on the details of your situation. For some, arrest penalties can be avoided when steps are taken quickly, particularly if there are facts to point to an improper arrest. Others find penalties can be reduced when an attorney is on their side.
Were you pulled over for a lane violation or expired registration and were then charged with driving while intoxicated? Our experienced legal team can defend you and explore your options. We have the knowledge to protect you whether you were charged with a DWI in connection to alcohol or prescription drug use. Reach out to the legal team at Ayson Law Firm to understand your rights. Contact us today for a free consultation with a Houston criminal defense attorney today.