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Houston DWI Lawyer > Harris County DWI Drugs Lawyer

Harris County DWI Drugs Lawyer

It is a common myth that police officers in Harris County cannot detect when a driver is under the influence of drugs. Unfortunately, that is not true. Police officers have many methods of testing for drugs, including administering urine tests. If law enforcement arrests you after you fail these tests and you are convicted, you will face very harsh penalties. A Harris County DWI drugs lawyer can help protect your future, and your freedom.

Our Harris County DWI Drugs Lawyer Explains Testing

Many people think police cannot test for drugs in the system because a breathalyzer only detects alcohol. While this is true, police officers will use other types of testing when trying to detect drugs. A urine test is the most common way to determine if a person has terpenes in their system that certain drugs leave behind.

The amount of time terpenes remain in the system will depend on the type of drug and the amount consumed. This creates a real problem for people charged. For example, terpenes from cocaine will only remain in the system for one day, while cannabis terpenes may stay in the system for up to 30 days if the person is a heavy user. So, someone may test positive for drugs in their system even though they had not consumed the substance for days, or even weeks. A positive test result is often enough to give police officers probable cause to make an arrest.

Our Harris County DWI Drugs Lawyer Explains the 12-Step Process

In addition to urine testing, there are other methods law enforcement will use when trying to determine if someone was driving while under the influence of drugs. Certain law enforcement officers are deemed to be Drug Recognition Experts (DRE). Police officers can become a DRE if they complete certain types of training. DRE officers can even testify at trial, even though the requirements of DREs are much less than what is required of other expert witnesses.

Officers certified as a DRE will use a comprehensive process to determine if a driver is under the influence of drugs. This process includes:

  • Conduct a chemical test, such as a urine or blood test
  • Question the driver about their state of mind
  • Ask the driver a number of questions and tracking eye movements as the driver answers
  • Evaluate the movement and color of the eyes
  • Use field sobriety tests to assess the driver’s physical and mental state
  • Check the size of the driver’s pupils using a penlight
  • Examine the muscle tone of the driver, looking for weakness
  • Check the arms of the driver for possible injection sites
  • Document what happened during the 12-step process
  • Question the driver about suspicious evidence

Even though the process of identifying drugged drivers is extensive, law enforcement does not always complete it properly and results can be skewed. It is important to speak to a lawyer that can refute any evidence found, and ensure your rights are upheld.

Our DWI Drugs Lawyer in Harris County Will Protect Your Rights

If you have been charged with a drug DWI, you need experienced legal representation. At Ayson Law Firm, our Harris County DWI drugs lawyer knows how to refute the claims of law enforcement, and will challenge chemical tests to give you the best chance of beating the charges. Call us today at 832-209-2297 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

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