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Houston DWI Lawyer > Blog > DUI > Ways Parents Can Help To Prevent Underage DUI Charges

Ways Parents Can Help To Prevent Underage DUI Charges


Teenagers are usually excited to obtain their driver’s licenses, having access to a car can bring them another sense of freedom. While it can be an exciting time for teens and parents alike, there have to be discussions about how to drive safely. One of the ways to stay safe on roadways is to never drive when intoxicated or get in a car with a driver who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

There can be very serious penalties in Texas when a person is charged with driving under the include and they are under the age of 21. It is possible the underage DUI recipient will lose their license or face jail time. It is important you connect with a Houston DUI lawyer if your child was charged with a DUI. An experienced attorney may be able to have the charges reduced or dropped.

 Setting Boundaries and Exhibiting Responsible Behavior

As is true in many areas of parenting, communication is essential in order for a teenager to understand their responsibilities when behind the wheel of a vehicle. When they have their learning permit and are practicing the skill of driving, have clear conversations with them about the dangers of driving drunk and how to stay safe on the road.

Leading young adults with your own behavior can also be helpful. Do not drink and drive yourself. If your teen sees you drink alcohol and get behind the wheel, they may think that it is ok to drive while intoxicated if it is only done once in a while. Only drive when sober and let children know to never drive drunk.

Some of the ways you can inform underage drivers of drunk driving risks is to share statistics with them, such as the following.

  • According to one report, approximately 300,000 individuals are hurt in drunk driving accidents each year.
  • DUIs can impact a young person’s future career opportunities and access to scholarships for college
  • Individuals can sustain life-long injuries when drunk driving collisions occur.

Then, you can share safe strategies for travel with your teen. Make sure they know their safety is a top priority and you are available to pick them up if they find themselves in a dangerous situation.

Access Legal Support to Protect the Rights of a Young Adult

When it comes to minors, Texas has very strict DUI laws in place. Any amount of alcohol can lead to a DUI charge. Charges can be difficult to fight, but an experienced Houston DUI lawyer can inform you of what options are available given the details of your situation.

Our experienced legal team can provide you with the legal support you need. We have the knowledge to protect you whether you were charged with driving under the influence, in connection to alcohol or prescription drug use, reach out to the legal team at Ayson Law Firm to understand your rights. Contact us today for a free consultation with a Houston criminal defense attorney today.

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